Tuesday 16 February 2010

The Early Bird *** TNT

Running at just over an hour, Leo Butler’s disconcerting two-hander makes you feel uncomfortable right from the start.

A man and woman (clad in head to toe grey) are imprisoned in a Perspex cube, and we, the audience, sit round them on all sides as they go over and over the events surrounding the day their young daughter vanished.

Deliberately (but frustratingly) the abruptly interrupted repetitions of events never clarify what happened to little Kimberley. Did she run away because her parents were arguing? Was she abducted? Is she dead or alive? Did either of her parents (she seems to have suffered from post-natal depression, he may have had an office affair) have anything to do with her disappearance?

All these questions hover in the air as Debbie and Jack comfort and confront each other, recalling an idyllic childfree holiday as they sway, romantically, together then bursting into angry accusations and self recrimination, trapped in a limbo of emotional torture.

Real life husband and wife Catherine Cusack and Alex Palmer movingly convey their joint and individual despair, with Cusack particularly affecting as she torments herself with the knowledge that it might never have happened if only she’d remembered to change the clocks and her daughter had been in time to catch the school bus as usual.

Finborough, Finborough Road, SW10 9ED. (0844 847 1652) to 27th February (£11 - £15)

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