Sunday 21 September 2008

Eurobeat -TNT

Some shows are simply beyond criticism and this brash spoof on a 50-year-old institution, the Eurovision song contest, fits firmly into that category. Camper than camp, Eurobeat hits London (via Australia and Edinburgh) in an extended form in which Bosnian hosts Boyka (all teeth and yapping Chihuahua laugh) and Sergei (gold lamé suit and wonky toupee) grin and innuendo their way through the links between 10 international competitors including Russia's KGBoyz and Iceland's weird Björk-like offering.
The costumes are tight and ready to be stripped off, the dialogue banal. But this deliberately trashy show knows its market — so, if you're just out for a good time, grab your mates and your mobile, and get voting.
Novello Theatre, Aldwych, WC2 (0844-482 5170). Until November 15. £10-£42.50.

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