Monday 6 August 2007

The Hothouse - TNT

There's something sinister going on in this early play by Pinter, the master of subtle menace. Written in 1958, though not performed until 1980, it is set in a psychiatric institution and is both darkly comic and deeply disconcerting. One of the numbered but unnamed patients has just given birth and another has died — and Finbar Lynch's precise, dangerous underling is subtly pointing the finger of suspicion at Roote, the man in control (played with a vaguely deranged forgetfulness by Stephen Moore). Lia Williams brings a controlled sensuality to the role of the lone female on the staff who isn't above indulging in a bit of torture, Paul Ritter is louche as Lush, and Ian Rickson's excellent production creates a disturbing world in which the unseen, supposedly insane are at the mercy of those in charge who abuse their power.
Lyttelton at the National South Bank, SE1, 020-7452 3000. Until October 27. £10-39.50

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